The Highland Reserve State School Cross-Country Carnival will be staged on Friday 21st March 2025 (Term 1, week 8)
- Years 4 - 6 will be held between 9:20am - 11:00am
- Prep - Year 3 will be held between 12:00pm - 1:15pm
For new families to Highland Reserve State School, the sporting houses and colours at Highland Reserve are Guanaba (green), Wongawallan (red), Kurrungal (yellow). If you’re unsure of the sports house that your child is in, please don’t hesitate to contact their classroom teacher to find out.
It would be fantastic to see as many students as possible dressed in shirts of their house colours for this exciting day. Extra items of colour may also be worn, however, please consider practicality during running.
The following Cross Country schedule is set for Friday 21st March 2025.
Year 3 - 6 will be held between 9:20am - 11:00am. In the order below, girls and boys will race separately, with 5 - 10 minutes between each race.
- 12 Years – (born 2013) – 1.6 KMS
- 11 Years – (born 2014) – 1.5 KMS
- 10 Years – (born 2015) – 1.2 KMS
- 9 Years + Grade 3 - (born 2016) – 750m
Prep - 2 will be held between 12:00pm - 1:15pm. The Races will be in sets of 2 - 3 class groups, including ABC then DE or composite. In the order below, girls and boys will race separately, with 5 - 10 minutes between each race.
- Year 2 - 600 m
- Year 1 - 500m
- Preps - 400m
Please note: exact times for each race are not provided in case of unforeseen circumstances. Students will only arrive and spectate on the oval when their race is scheduled.
If your child suffers from asthma or any other medical condition, could you please inform their classroom teacher and ensure they bring the appropriate medication that would be required in order to participate in a cross country race.
Also, please ensure your child wears their school hat and bring their water bottles on the day (can these be clearly marked with their names please so lost property can be returned).
As mentioned earlier, if possible, have your child dressed in a shirt in their house colour.
We are really hoping to see as many families and friends on the day to support this very exciting sporting event!