Class Physical Education lessons
At Highland Reserve State School students receive a weekly lesson with one of our two PE teachers, Mr Aldridge and Mr McCracken. The teachers engage students in a range of skill development and sports related programs to enhance their fitness, knowledge, sportsmanship and skills.
Gala Days
Each term, our Year 4 to 6 students engage in a Gala Day where they compete against students from neighbouring schools in a range of sports. These include:
- Netball
- Soccer
- Athletics
- Touch Football
School Carnivals
Highland Reserve State School holds the following Carnivals for students to compete in throughout the school year:
- Cross Country (Term 1): Prep to Year 6
- Athletics (Term 2): Prep to Year 6
- Swimming (Term 4): Year 4 to Year 6
School Sporting Houses
The school is divided into three Sports Houses – Kurrungal, Guanaba and Wongawallan.
Children are allocated to Houses for sporting competitions when they start at Highland Reserve. Every effort is made to keep families in the one house.
House colours
Kurrungal - Yellow Guanaba - Green Wongawallan - Red

School Sport South Coast
School Sport South Coast
Broadwater District Trials information
Broadwater District Trials Information (PDF, 84KB)